新关注 > 信息聚合 > 元宵节将至《火影忍者》手游忍者齐聚贺佳


The Lantern Festival will come "naruto" mobile game ninja in He Jia

2016-02-22 17:25:17来源: 爱拍游戏


On February 22, is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival. B as a mobile game into China through the first Lantern Festival, young article 33 a ninja naruto in mobile game, for all the ninja students bring the blessings of the Lantern Festival. Wonderful, of course, welfare activities will also be since 22 successively in "naruto" mobile game. Powerful ninja, massive gold coin, the Lantern Festival props such as welfare entire profusion, help all ninja students celebrate the holiday season! ...

标签: 手游