新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女神的星际穿越之旅 跑酷手游《阿斯特拉》将推安..

女神的星际穿越之旅 跑酷手游《阿斯特拉》将推安..

The goddess of star through the trip Parkour mobile game "astra" will push. Ann.

2016-02-22 18:25:58来源: 4399


Parkour games since the escape from the temple, "beginning development is burnt out almost all the wisdom of the game, vertical version of the horizontal version of the phone's screen seems to have lived hard box role is eager to his heart, and with an RPG, puzzles, and other types of fusion, also makes the connotation of parkour games more rich. The Astra (Astra) is a mixed style of parkour game, already a long time, under the situation of monopoly in the IOS has officially announced in order to make more...

标签: 手游