新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首支聋哑人职业战队 EP风暴分部正式成立

首支聋哑人职业战队 EP风暴分部正式成立

The first deaf professional team EP storm division was formally established

2015-12-28 09:56:30来源: 265G

265G报道/拥有多个电竞项目战队的EP电子竞技俱乐部宣布,首支聋哑人职业战队——风暴英雄分部正式成立。 EP电子竞技俱乐部于2013年5月1日在湖南长沙正式成立,现俱乐部地点设立在上海。EP为Energy Pacemaker的缩写,喻意我们可以成为电竞行业的起搏器。旗下共有风暴英雄等...

E-sports project team reported 265 g/have multiple EP e-sports club announced that the first deaf professional team - storm hero division was formally established. EP e-sports club in 2013, was formally established on May 1, changsha in hunan, now the club set up in Shanghai. The abbreviation of EP for Energy Pacemaker, meant we can become the Pacemaker e-sports industry. Hero of storm, etc...