新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016:世界总决赛战队巡礼 来自巴西的黑马paiN

2016:世界总决赛战队巡礼 来自巴西的黑马paiN

2016: the world finals team tour from Brazil horse paiN

2015-12-28 10:46:18来源: 电玩巴士

这是一支什么样的战队,在此前的比赛中表现如何,一系列问题牵动了无数中国玩家的神经。为此,今天我们将着重介绍一下paiN这支战队。 《神之浩劫》世界总决赛1月7日对阵表 来自巴西的黑马 弱旅逆袭登上分赛区冠军宝座 paiN是今年巴西地区赛事中脱颖而出的一匹黑马,其战绩一直在稳步...

This is what kind of team, in front of the game how to show, a series of problems affecting the nerve of countless Chinese players. To this end, today we will focus on the paiN team. The catastrophe of God "world finals on January 7, against the table was a dark horse in the race in Brazil this year, apart from Brazil's dark horse struggling counterattack board on division champion paiN. The record has been steadily.

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