新关注 > 信息聚合 > [快讯] 暴雪将考虑开发魔兽续作, 希望这次是真的

[快讯] 暴雪将考虑开发魔兽续作, 希望这次是真的

[news] Blizzard will consider the development of Warcraft sequel, hope this is really

2015-08-13 15:26:51来源: 锐派游戏

本文由RN整理 十大经典游戏,前三总有魔兽。在2002年魔兽发行后,这款游戏就成为了玩家心中无可取代的经典。在10年后,玩家研发的Mod、星际2引擎制作的魔兽高清重制版,这无不体现魔兽的伟大。而在本月初的科隆游戏展上,《虚空之遗》制作人Tim Morten透露了暴雪欲开发《魔兽争霸》...

in this paper by the RN finishing ten classic games, the first three total of Warcraft. After the release of Warcraft in 2002, the game became a player in the hearts of no substitute for the classic. In 10 years, the player's research and development of the Mod, star 2 engine production of Warcraft heavy plate, which is all the great world of warcraft. At the Cologne game show in the beginning of this month, "the void" producer Morten Tim has revealed that Blizzard wants to develop the Warcraft...

标签: 暴雪