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蹦蹦兔塔防第32关怎么过 第32关图文攻略

Bouncing rabbit defense the 32 pass to the 32 pass graphic Raiders

2015-08-06 16:21:09来源: 4399

蹦蹦兔塔防是一款轻松休闲的塔防游戏,游戏以休闲为主,但是也不是随便玩就能完美过关。第32关又加入一个新伙伴,新伙伴拥有非常强大的战斗力,这一关的怪物进攻路线也非常长,让我们能够狠轻松地就拿下三星。来看看小编是怎么过的吧!【本关使用的机甲】闪跃萌甲level2。 【新伙伴】这一关会有新的...

bouncing rabbit tower defense is a casual tower defense game, game mainly to leisure, but also not casually play can be the perfect pass. Thirty-second off and join a new partner, a new partner has a very strong fighting force, this off the monster attack route is also very long, so that we can easily get down to samsung. Come and see what's up! [the use mecha] flash adorable level2. [new partner] this pass will be new...