新关注 > 信息聚合 > CJ新游试玩:蜗牛代理手游《横行大冒险》


CJ travelogue Demo: snail hand travel agent "rampant adventure"

2015-07-31 16:15:30来源: 17173

这款游戏是蜗牛代理自韩国的一款手游,也是横版风格的特色,预计近期开测。游戏目前有十几个角色可以提供选择。 横版界面 通过现场体验,小编发现游戏有几个亮点: 1.除了角色本身技能外,还有一个额外的卡牌技能,在使用卡牌技能时,卡牌角色会替代角色出战,并释放技能。随着卡牌的升级成长,...

this game snail agent from a South Korean tour and horizontal version of the style characteristics, is expected to soon open test. Games currently have more than a dozen characters can provide a choice. Cross version of the interface through the field experience, small series found the game has several highlights: 1 in addition to the role of their skills, there is an additional card skills, in the use of card skills, the card role will replace the role played, and release skills. With the upgrade of the card card,...

标签: 手游