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《九阳神功》登陆Xbox One PS4独占武者首曝

"Nine Yang magic," the landing Xbox one PS4 exclusive martial first exposure

2015-07-31 16:23:42来源: 17173

本届ChinaJoy,来势汹涌的《九阳神功》彰显气吞山河的雄心壮志,进军PC、Xbx One两大平台,从此与PS4平台形成《九阳神功》的三足鼎立! 7月29日,微软北京水立方win10发布会公布了《九阳神功》DirectX 12技术演示;7月30日,上海CJ现场,微软全球资深副总裁M...

this ChinaJoy, the oncoming turbulent "Nine Yang magic," the highlight of daring ambition into PC, Xbx one of the two platforms, and since then PS4 platform formed "Nine Yang magic," the tripod! On July 29, Microsoft Beijing Water Cube win10 conference announced the Joyoung magic "DirectX 12 technology demonstration; July 30, Shanghai CJ site, Microsoft's senior vice president of M...

标签: PS Xbox PS4