新关注 > 信息聚合 > TI5外媒采访三冰:我更喜欢以前的TI


TI5 foreign media interview three ice: I prefer the former TI

2015-07-26 15:28:24来源: 游久网

Q:我们非常开心请来VG战队的ICEICEICE,您已经来西雅图参加过三次TI了。和过去的几届TI相比,您觉得这一次怎么样? A:事实上我更喜欢前几届TI,特别是TI2。因为我觉得TI2办的特别好,队员们在VALVE办公楼特别舒适。我对这一届比赛最不满的地方就是在这里的六七天我什么都...

Q: we are very happy to invite VG team ICEICEICE, you have come to Seattle to participate in the three TI. How do you feel about this time in comparison with the previous A? TI: Actually I prefer the previous TI, especially TI2. Because I feel that the TI2 is particularly good, the players in the VALVE office, particularly comfortable. I am the most dissatisfied place for this session is the six or seven day I have nothing here...