新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《穿越火线》七月版本团队竞技新地图市政厅揭秘


"Through wire July version of team sports new map city hall secret

2015-07-22 17:37:15来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 7月22日消息,FPS网游《穿越火线(CF)》国服迎来7周年之际推出了新版本“狂怒解放”,该版本增加全新的团队竞技地图——市政厅,这是一张战术地图,分成了4个功放重点区域。 一、战术地图 市政厅是一张利用了对称法设计的团队地图,以市政厅为中心,正门前是停车场,后方为一...

Sina game news July 22 news, the FPS online games through the FireWire (CF)" country served to usher in the occasion of the 7th anniversary launched a new version of "Rage liberation", this version adds new team sports map, a town hall, which is a tactical map, divided into four areas of focus of power amplifier. A tactical map city hall is a using the method of symmetrical design team map, as the center of the city hall, in front of the main entrance is the parking lot, and the posterior.

标签: 穿越火线