新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日14:00追加新服 《天谕》六大活动庆满月

今日14:00追加新服 《天谕》六大活动庆满月

Today 14:00 additional new service the encyclical "of the six major activities full moon

2015-07-18 11:32:56来源: 叶子猪

服务器名称:【日月同庆】 活动1:夏日清凉大作战 眼下正值酷暑,前往各大主城NPC“夏凉凉”其处,便可接取“炎炎夏日兽”击杀任务,并且获得任务道具“星茸花小杯咖啡”。在战斗过程中炎炎夏日兽攻击力和防御力都非常强大,并会对周围一定范围内的玩家造成高额灼热范围伤害。而喝下“星茸花小杯咖...

server name in the Qing: [the sun, the moon and the celebration activity 1: cool summer war now comes the heat to the main city of the NPC" cool summer "which can access" scorching summer beast "shot to kill the task and task items" star velvet flowers small cup of coffee ". In the course of the battle of the heat of the summer beast attack power and defense are very strong, and will be around a certain range of players to cause high heat range damage. And drink coffee cup star "velvet flower...