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手游大咖来支招 “海参宝宝”会很乖

Travel to a large coffee to weapon "sea cucumber baby will on 13 Weihai news network

2015-07-15 08:04:23来源: 威海新闻网

7月13日,庆威“海参宝宝”跳上众玩家的掌心,好运也蹦蹦跳跳地降临。一些玩家在玩“海参宝宝”时老是不得要领,心里很着急,于是致电婉妹,寻求游戏攻略,以期拿到高分。 一些玩家玩“海参宝宝跳跳跳”不得要领,婉妹邀手游大咖来支招 用了这些绝招,“海参宝宝”会很乖哦 “这本书太合我心意...

, Qing Wei sea cucumber baby" jump on all the players in the palm of your hand, luck bounce to come. Some players in playing the "sea cucumber baby always to no avail, in the heart very anxious, so call Wan Mei and seek game Raiders, in order to get a high score. Some players playing "sea cucumber baby jump" to no avail, Wan Mei invited tour started coffee weapon with the trick, "baby sea cucumber" be obedient! "This book too hop in my mind...

标签: 手游