新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《仙剑奇侠传6》主要人物全解析:各个背后都有故..


The paladin biography 6 major characters in full resolution: each behind so..

2015-07-11 02:23:30来源: TechWeb

《仙剑奇侠传6》为国产单机仙剑系列最新作,将于2015年6月上市,国产大作拼的是游戏故事剧情,而剧情里必不可少的当然数游戏中的人物角色,主角们背后的故事以及错综复杂的关系备受玩家期待,下面先看看仙剑6中的人物角色吧! 男主角:越今朝 人物主题诗: 飞扬意气追惆怅 越下青尘越不休 ...

the paladin biography 6 "for the domestic single Xianjian series is the latest, will be available in June 2015, domestic big fight is the story of the game plot, but the plot is essential, of course, number of game characters, the protagonists behind story and intricate relationship with much players look forward to, have a look first below sword 6 characters! Actor: the current theme of Poetry: Flying spirit after more melancholy green dust more endlessly...