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花千骨手游千层塔2V2攻略详解 如何获得高胜率

Spend thousands of bone of hand travel Melaleuca tower 2v2 Raiders detailed how to get high winning percentage

2015-07-10 14:59:24来源: 4399

千层塔在进阶段位后就变成了2V2模式,很多玩家抱怨千层塔太难,本篇就带来花千骨手游千层塔2V2对阵攻略,看看怎么样才能获得高胜率吧。 1、战友选择 大家可以多加一些战斗力比较高的好友,伙伴的力量是强大的,拥有一个战斗力高的好友在千层塔战斗中可以事半功倍哟。千层塔2v2模式战斗开始之前...

Melaleuca tower in the stage after becomes a 2v2 mode, many players complained Melaleuca tower is too difficult. This brings spend thousands of bone of hand travel Melaleuca tower 2v2 against Raiders and, take a look at how to get high winning percentage. 1, comrade in arms to choose you can add some more combat power of a friend, the partner's strength is strong, with a high fighting force in a thousand tower battle can be more effective. Thousand layer tower 2v2 mode before the battle begins...

标签: 手游