新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蛰伏已久待机终上位!新版本剑圣打野最强攻略


The upper end of the long dormant standby! The new version of the Juggernaut play wild strongest Raiders

2015-07-08 13:20:16来源: 巴士LOL

继热门打野挖掘机猪妹削弱后,剑圣不负众望一举跻身强势打野之列。新版剑圣可以有更多出装选择,这些选择也极大提高剑圣的战力,小编就给大家分享新型剑圣打法解析。 一、技能介绍 双重打击 被动技能 易大师每攻击数次,就会同时对目标进行2次打击。 阿尔法突袭 快捷键:Q 易飞速穿越战...

following the popular play wild excavator swine sister after the weakening of the, juggernaut expectations in one fell swoop among the strong call of the wild. Version if the Blademaster can have more equipment selection, these choices will greatly enhance the juggernaut of combat power, small series is for everyone to share new juggernaut play analysis. First, the ability to introduce a double blow to the passive skills Yi master every attack several times, it will be the target for 2 strikes. Alfa raid shortcut keys: Q easy to quickly through the war...