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《出包王女Darkness 真正的公主》发售日确定

The package King female darkness real princess "release date to determine

2015-07-02 10:08:05来源: 电玩巴士

Furyu此前预定于2015年内发售的PSV恋爱模拟游戏《出包王女Darkness 真正的公主》日前确定将会在11月5日发售,价格为普通版6980日元、限定版8980日元、下载版6480日元。游戏剧情讲述梨斗因某个事件丧失了记忆,忘记了与拉拉之间的一切,而女主角们的恋爱之心就此开始交错…...

Furyu previously scheduled to release in the year 2015, the PSV love simulation game the king's daughter darkness real princess" recently identified will be released on November 5, the price is ordinary version of 6980 yen, limited edition 89.8 yen, download version of 6480 yen. The game is about the story of the game because of a loss of memory, and forget everything, and the heroine of the heart of the love of this began to cross... ...