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Steam游戏平均销售3.2万套 美国玩家最多

Steam game average sales 3.2 million sets of players, the U.S. most

2015-06-23 09:11:48来源: 178游戏网

6月23日消息,据来自Steam玩家数据搜集网站Steam Spy的最新数据显示,在Steam平台,虽然《上古卷轴》和《侠盗猎车》等3A大作卖得很好,但游戏产品的平均销售套数仅为3.2万。 在不同国家和地区,Steam玩家基数和游戏喜好呈现出较大差异。美国Steam游戏玩家人数达到2...

6 month 23 message, according to from steam player data collection site steam spy, the latest data show that, in the steam platform. Although the elder scrolls and "Grand Theft Auto" 3A masterpiece sell very well, but the game product average sales cycle only for 3.2 million. In different countries and regions, Steam players and game preferences show a big difference. U.S. Steam game players to reach 2...

标签: 游戏 Steam 玩家