新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软暗示XGP新游戏,疑似为《先驱者》


Microsoft suggests XGP new game, suspected as "pioneer"

2021-03-13 11:03:14来源: 游戏时光

Xbox Game Pass 今天发布了一条推文,暗示了某款游戏即将加入 XGP。从给出的线索来看,有一定可能在指 Square Enix 旗下即将发售的第三人称射击游戏《先驱者》。这条推文附有一张邮件截图,邮件截图中称“将有一款新游戏加入 XGP 游戏库”。虽然没有透露游戏的名字,但邮件提到了“mysterious signal (神秘信号)”和“Anomaly”。这让人联想到《先驱者》:在《先驱者》的背景故事里,先驱者们正是在不断追寻一个神秘信号,同时对抗来自异乎寻常的能量风暴 —— “Anomaly”的侵蚀。去年《控制》加入 XGP 游戏库前,XGP 官推就曾有类似的暗示。至于《先驱者》会不会真的是 XGP 游戏库的新成员,揭晓谜底的日子想必不会太远。来源:Gamespot

Xbox game pass & amp; nbsp; today posted a tweet suggesting that a game is about to join XGP. From the clues given, it is possible to refer to square Enix's upcoming third person shooting game "pioneers". The tweet comes with an email screenshot that says "there will be a new game added to the XGP game library.". Although the name of the game was not disclosed, the email mentioned "mysterious signal" and "anonymous". This is reminiscent of "pioneers": in the background story of "pioneers", the pioneers are constantly searching for a mysterious signal, while fighting against the erosion from the unusual energy storm - "anomaly". Before control was added to XGP game library last year, XGP official tweets had similar hints. As for whether pioneer will really be a new member of the XGP & amp; nbsp; game library, it's not too far away. Source: gamespot

标签: 游戏 微软