新关注 > 信息聚合 > Chronium内核的新Edge浏览器将登陆Xbox主机


The new edge browser of the chronium kernel will log in to the Xbox host

2021-03-08 11:55:38来源: 游戏时光

采用 Chronium 内核的新版微软 Edge 浏览器登陆 Windows PC 已经有一年多了。相比老版自研的 EdgeHTML 内核,新版 Edge 无疑在各种体验上都极度接近谷歌广受欢迎的同内核 Chrome 浏览器,使用体验有了非常大的提升。Windows 10 系统现在已经开始全面将老版 Edge 替换成新版。 可能出于优先级、安全等各方面因素(历史上主机破解有些源头就是自带的浏览器漏洞),Xbox 近两代主机仍然是老版 Edge 浏览器,但这个情况即将改变。 据 Xbox 最优先的 Alpha skip-ahead 这批内测用户反馈,新版 Edge 已经在最新测试版系统中实装,

&It has been more than a year since the new Microsoft edge browser with the chronium kernel landed on Windows PC. Compared with the old self-developed edgehtml kernel, the new edge is no doubt extremely close to Google's popular Chrome browser with the same kernel in various experiences, and the user experience has been greatly improved. Windows 10 system has started to replace the old edge with the new one. &Maybe due to the factors of priority, security and so on (historically, the source of host cracking is the browser vulnerability), Xbox's recent two generations of hosts are still the old edge browser, but this situation is about to change. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; according to the feedback of Xbox's top priority alpha skip ahead users, the new version of edge has been installed in the latest beta system,

标签: Xbox