新关注 > 信息聚合 > 文件显示,E3 2021现场活动已经取消

文件显示,E3 2021现场活动已经取消

The document shows that the E3 2021 on-site activity has been cancelled

2021-02-28 10:19:08来源: 游戏时光

外国论坛resetera的一名用户发帖表示,他在洛杉矶市政府官网上找到了一份洛杉矶会展与旅游业发展委员会的文件,其中显示 E3 2021 线下活动已经被取消。文件的第 18 页中列出了洛杉矶 2021 年中大型会展活动的最新计划,可以看到本应于 6 月 15 日开始的 E3 2021 的现场活动已经被取消。ESA 正在与制作团队尝试直播的方式,这意味着我们仍有机会看到 E3 的线上活动。ESA 曾在 2 月初向多家发行商发送了 E3 2021 的活动概述,表明本次 E3 很可能以线上直播的方式举办。这与文件中流露出的信息是相符的。via PC Gamer

A user of restera, a foreign forum, said in a post that he found a document from the Los Angeles Convention, exhibition and Tourism Development Commission on the Los Angeles city government website, which showed that the offline activities of E3 2021 had been cancelled. Page 18 of the document lists the latest plans for large and medium-sized exhibitions in Los Angeles in 2021. It can be seen that the on-site activities of E3 2021, which should have started on June 15, have been cancelled. ESA is trying to live with the production team, which means we still have a chance to see E3's online activities. ESA has sent a summary of E3 2021 to several publishers in early February, indicating that E3 is likely to be held online live. This is consistent with the information revealed in the document. via PC Gamer