新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汤姆·赫兰德谈扮演德雷克的感受:不太满意,以后会多加注意


Tom Holland's feeling of playing Drake: not very satisfied, I will pay more attention in the future

2021-02-28 15:27:30来源: 游戏时光

近日,“小蜘蛛”汤姆·赫兰德接受了 GQ 采访,谈了谈自己在《神秘海域》电影里出演内森·德雷克的感受:他对自己的表现不是很满意,以后会多加改进。汤姆·赫兰德透露,在扮演的过程中,自己会在意“这个镜头拍得够不够帅,够不够酷炫”,而他本该扮演的是“马克·沃尔伯格般强健又坚忍不拔的动作片主角”。他还表示出演内森·德雷克让他学到了不少东西,以后不会再犯只顾“凹造型”的失误:我没确认过拍好的镜头,不太清楚自己演得怎么样,但这次出演内森·德雷克是一次宝贵的经验:有时候我感觉自己不是在拍电影,而是在秀肌肉凹造型……以后不会再有这种失误了。此前《神秘海域》宣布延期至 2022 年 2 月 11 日上映,而汤姆·赫兰德表示“《神秘海域》电影很棒,拍摄顺利”。希望制作组能为我们带来一部好电影。via Eurogamer

Recently, "little spider" Tom Holland was interviewed by GQ to talk about his feelings of playing Nathan Drake in the movie "mysterious sea": he is not very satisfied with his performance and will improve more in the future. Tom Holland revealed that in the process of playing, he would care about "whether the shot is handsome enough and cool enough", and he should have played "a strong and indomitable action movie protagonist like Mark Warburg". He also said that playing Nathan Drake has taught him a lot, and he will not make the mistake of focusing on "concave shape" in the future: I haven't confirmed a good shot, and I don't know how well I play, but playing Nathan Drake this time is a valuable experience: sometimes I feel like I'm not making a movie, but showing my concave shape There will be no more such mistakes. Previously, the release of "mysterious waters" was postponed to February 11, 2022, and Tom Holland said that "the film of" mysterious waters "was great and the shooting was smooth.". I hope the production team can bring us a good film. via Eurogamer