新关注 > 信息聚合 > 纳智捷两款SUV联袂升级


Na Zhijie two SUV jointly upgrade

2015-06-10 21:07:12来源: 中国新闻网

6月6日,东风裕隆纳智捷两款升级版SUV车型在深圳联袂上市,新车分别是配备ECO HYPER节能系统的新大7 SUV 和新优6 SUV。前者的售价区间为20.98万-27.98万元,后者的价格区间则...

6 6, Dongfeng Yulon Na Zhijie two upgraded version of the SUV models listed in Shenzhen jointly, the new car is equipped with hyper energy-saving system of eco New 7 SUV and new 6 SUV. The former price range of 209800 -27.98 million, the latter's price range is...

标签: SUV