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UFC186豪华阵容曝光 迪拉肖VS巴罗奥二番战领衔

UFC186 lineup exposure Dilla Shaw vs Baroo rematch headlining Shaw

2015-01-21 14:27:27来源: 新浪

迪拉肖在UFC173中KO巴罗奥瞬间 新浪体育讯 前不久,UFC公布将会在今年的4月25日(北京时间4月26日)重返加拿大重镇蒙特利尔,而现在,官方终于正式曝光了本次赛事的主赛阵容,其中TJ-迪拉肖(TJ Dillashaw) VS 雷南-巴罗奥(Renan Barao)的雏量级冠军...

Dilla in UFC173 Ko Baroo moment of sina sports dispatch soon, the UFC announced will be in this year's April 25 (Beijing time on April 26) to return to the Canadian city of Montreal, and now, the official finally officially exposure the tournament's main event lineup, including TJ Dilla Shaw (TJ) Dillashaw vs thunder South Baroo Renan Barao) bantamweight division champion...