新关注 > 信息聚合 > 姚明6项数据火箭队史前10 22连胜+破12年魔咒

姚明6项数据火箭队史前10 22连胜+破12年魔咒

Rockets Yao Ming six data prehistoric + 10 22-game winning streak broken the spell for 12 years

2016-03-31 07:02:26来源: 华体网

3月31日 姚明成功入选名人堂,成为首位获此殊荣的中国球员。名人堂荣誉也是对姚明伟大篮球生涯的最好肯定。 或许有人会说,姚明能够第一时间(退役后4年)入选名人堂,多亏了他是中国球员,还有背后有...

March 31 the success of Yao Ming Hall of Fame, becoming the first win of the Chinese players. Yao Ming is also a great honor for the Hall of Fame basketball career, certainly the best. Some people may say, Yao Ming first time (4 years after retirement) Hall of Fame, thanks to his Chinese players, as well as behind ...