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沃尔沃V60跨界版申报消息 即将引入国内

Volvo V60 crossover version of reporting news is about to introduce domestic

2015-09-20 09:59:17来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,我们获得了沃尔沃V60 Cross Country在国内的申报信息,这表明该车引入国内已经为时不远了。新车曾于2014洛杉矶车展期间正式发布,其在普通版V60的基础上融入了跨界风格,与之前已上...

recently and we have won the Volvo V60 cross country in the domestic application information, suggesting that the car into the country has been too far from the. The new car was officially released at the 2014 Losangeles auto show, which is based on the common version of the V60 into the cross style, and before it has been...