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蔡依林直播节目中找戒指 场面尴尬(图)

Jolin live show ring embarrassing scenes (Figure)

2015-02-26 04:27:32来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 据台湾“今日新闻网”报道,蔡依林对于表演向来要求严谨,但日前,她却在2015央视网络春晚的直播节目中,忽略“EXO”成员Lay(张艺兴)想与她握手的动作,直说“我的戒指掉了”,在节目上直接找起戒指,让场面有点尴尬。事后,有媒体称,蔡依林要找的这枚戒指极具意义,因是男友锦荣送的3...

[Abstract] according to Taiwan "news today" reported, Jolin has always been strict requirements for performance, but a few days ago, she was 2015 in the live broadcast of CCTV Gala, ignore the "EXO" members of the Lay (Zhang Yixing) want to shake hands with her. Say, "I ring out", to find the ring directly on the show, let a little awkward scene. Afterwards, the media said, Jolin to the ring of great significance to find, because her boyfriend Jin Rong sent 3...

标签: 直播