新关注 > 信息聚合 > 出生女婴诊断书上性别为“男” 家长怀疑抱错孩子

出生女婴诊断书上性别为“男” 家长怀疑抱错孩子

Birth of a baby girl in the diagnosis of sex for male parents suspected of holding the wrong child

2016-08-13 14:18:48来源: 中国青年网

7月19日,郭姓医师签字的《疾病诊断书》显示,产妇7月16日产下一女婴,身长50厘米,段尾却是“男”。 7月17日,小雨(化名)在北京大学第一医院妇产儿童医院(以下简称北大妇幼)产下一女婴,但医...

In July 19th, Guo doctor signed "disease diagnosis" shows that in July 16 a maternal Nissan baby, 50 cm in length, tail section is "male". In July 17th, the rain (a pseudonym) in No.1 Hospital of Peking University maternity and child hospital (hereinafter referred to as the maternal and child) gave birth to a baby girl, but medicine...