新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大屏大电量 小米Max 2首次降价 续航惊人

大屏大电量 小米Max 2首次降价 续航惊人

Domestic large power millet Max 2 prices for the first time Range of amazing

2017-07-17 17:12:46来源: 元器件交易网

现货供应之后,小米Max 2的价格出现了松动,第三方渠道价格已经低于官网价了。目前在国美在线,4+64GB版小米Max 2的团购价为1619元,相比官网的价格便宜了80元,这应该是小米Max 2首次降价销售。如果对性能要求不高,对续航比较敏感,而且喜欢大屏的话,小米Max 2可谓是绝佳选...

Spot supply, millet Max 2 price appeared loose, is below the official WangJia third-party channels. In gome online at present, 4 + 64 gb version of millet, Max 2 group is 1619 yuan, compared to the website of the price cheap, 80 yuan, this should be millet Max 2 on sale for the first time. If the performance requirements is not high, is more sensitive to life, and like to screen, millet Max 2 is best choose...