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中关村智造大街崛起 打造智能制造创新高地

Zhongguancun rise smart street Building intelligent manufacturing innovation

2017-07-23 22:00:24来源: 中国新闻网

中新社北京7月23日电 (记者 于立霄)中国首个智能制造街区——中关村智造大街23日迎来一周岁生日。历经一年的发展,该街区已经成为中国首个汇集“智能制造”创新创业资源的街区,为中国加速落实“智造”升...

China news agency Beijing, July 23 (xinhua in vertical clouds) - China's first intelligent manufacturing block zhongguancun smart street 23 celebrating a birthday. After a year of development, the neighborhood has become China's first together made "smart" block innovation entrepreneurship resources, for China to accelerate the implementation of "smart" l...