新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冒险手游《血之荣耀:神兵》上架


Adventure "glory Mobile Games blood: magic" shelves

2015-03-07 13:22:33来源: 18183

古罗马是一个充满血腥与激情的时代,在游戏中,玩家将化身最强大的战神、宙斯、哈迪斯等进行战斗,本作讲述了三位罗马英雄与诸神作战的故事。 《血之荣耀:神兵》(Blood Glory:Immortal...

ancient Rome is a bloody and passion of the times, in the game, game player will become the most powerful God of war, Zeus, Hades were fighting, the story of three Rome heroes and gods battle. "The blood of glory: magic" (Blood Glory:Immortal...

标签: 手游