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王者荣耀新英雄裴擒虎最强上分攻略 塑梦已拿下国服最强

Pei escape tiger king glory new heroes on the strongest points strategy Plastic dream has had the strongest suit

2018-03-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今天是《王者荣耀》新英雄裴擒虎上线的第一天,一天时间里,因为裴擒虎的双形态,粉丝们和主播都玩的不亦乐乎。比如触手直播的剑仙打着打着,先来截个图“左青龙,右白虎,中间一个250”。喜欢开拓创新的塑梦,仅仅一天时间,就直接拿到了一个国服最强裴擒虎称号,从塑梦的实战来看,这个被玩家戏称为“赔钱虎”的英雄,一点也不赔钱! 塑梦在第一时间为大家带来了详细攻略,这个专注射手的主播,其实在其他位置也表现出众,尤其喜爱探索各类新英雄,那么让我们一起来看看他的国服最强攻略吧! 新英雄裴擒虎是一个综合性特别高的英雄,经过两天的摸索成功的总结出出装和符文并打上了国服,为了让更多的人了解并正确使用这个新...

Today is the king of glory capture tiger online on the first day of the new hero pei, a day of time, because the capture tiger the dual form of pei, fans and anchors are playing. Such as tentacles live under the banner of sword play, to cut a figure "left tsing lung, right white tiger, in the middle of a 250". Like innovation model dream, only a day time, got a dress directly capture the title of tiger strongest pei, from the perspective of the field of plastic dream, this is player nicknamed the "loss" tiger hero, don't lose money! Plastic dream in the first place to bring us a detailed strategy, the focus striker anchor, actually also excelled in other locations, especially love to explore all kinds of new heroes, so let's take a look at his strongest countries take strategy! New capture tiger hero pei is a particularly high comprehensive hero, after two days of exploration success and the end of the pack and runes and play on the dress, in order to let more people understand and correctly use the new...

标签: 王者荣耀