新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勒索病毒新变种肆虐欧洲 核电站也遭殃

勒索病毒新变种肆虐欧洲 核电站也遭殃

New blackmail virus variant ravaged Europe plant also suffer

2017-06-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

6月27日晚11时许,勒索病毒“Wanna Cry”的变种“Petrwrap”病毒由乌克兰和俄罗斯开始爆发,逐渐蔓延到欧洲多国。包括切尔诺贝利核电站在内的乌克兰大量设施受到影响。 据海外网6月28日报道,切尔诺贝利核电站暂时没有发生核辐射泄露,但部分地区辐射监测改为由人工手持仪器进行。乌克兰的供电网、政府办公室、包括中央银行乌克兰国家银行在内的银行机构均被攻击,当地的地铁以及基辅的鲍里斯皮尔机场受到破坏。乌克兰Ukrenego电力供应商系统也遭中断。 欧洲某场所大量电脑“中毒”(推特网友图) 黑客在电脑屏幕上留下“整个网络已失效”字句。乌克兰总理格罗斯曼称这次袭击“前所未见”。乌克...

On June 27 at 11 PM, blackmail virus "Wanna Cry" variant "Petrwrap" virus from Ukraine and Russia, gradually spread to European nations. Ukraine, including at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, a large number of facilities. According to the overseas network on June 28, the chernobyl nuclear power plant radiation leak happens temporarily, but in some parts of the radiation monitoring by artificial handheld devices. Ukraine's supply network, government offices, banking institutions, including Ukraine national central bank, have been attacked, Boris peel local subway and Kiev airport is damaged. Ukraine Ukrenego electricity supplier system also been disrupted. A European place a lot of computer hacker "poisoning" (twitter users figure) on the computer screen "the entire network has failed" words. Ukraine's prime minister, grossman said the attack "unprecedented". Ukraine...