新关注 > 信息聚合 > 提前了!大神曝华为P10发布时间提前至3月份


In advance! Great god revealed huawei P10 release date to march ahead of time

2017-01-04 15:37:19来源: TechWeb

去年4月份,华为P9正式亮相。不出意外,华为新旗舰P10将在今年上半年问市,从P9发布的时间节点来看,新旗舰P10应该会在4月份发布。 不过业内人士爆料称,骁龙835可能是三星S8在巴展上首发,到...

In April last year, huawei P9 formal appearance. Not surprisingly, the introduction of huawei's new flagship P10 will in the first half of this year from P9 release time node, the new flagship P10 should be released in April. But industry insiders revealed that, Xiao dragon 835 May is samsung S8 in the show starts, to...