新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不止于才艺表演 陌陌直播上有个网红是卖苹果的

不止于才艺表演 陌陌直播上有个网红是卖苹果的

Beyond the talent show There is a web celebrity in Momo live was selling apples

2017-03-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

唱歌、跳舞、讲段子、演奏乐器、说相声、做美食……,很多做直播的播主凭借着这些才艺表演成为了网络红人。其实,成为网红不止于这些才艺表演,在移动社交平台陌陌旗下的哈你直播上就有一位靠卖苹果受到广大网友青睐的播主,她是怎样做到的呢? 前不久,一亩田联手陌陌推出的公益活动—“乐农计划”,是一亩田的优秀卖家会员作为主播,在陌陌的直播平台上进行现场直播和展示,从产品优势、家乡特色等方面介绍农村的新发展,展示新农人的新面貌。 “在长期的直播过程中不断的巩固买卖双方的信任,买家就会放心购买你的产品。从苹果开花、结果到成熟网友都真实可见,而且大家彼此建立了感情,长此以往,你的品牌就会被消费者认可,以后不会...

Singing, dancing, telling jokes, play a musical instrument, said crosstalk, do food... , many do live broadcast with the talent show has become the Internet sensation. In fact, become a web celebrity not only in the talent show, in the mobile social networking platform Momo's ha you live one by selling apple attract people of the Lord, how does she do? Recently, an acre of field joint Momo launched a public welfare activity - "le farmers plan", is a good seller mu tian member as anchors, live in Momo live platform and display, from the product advantages, characteristics of rural were introduced from the aspects such as the new development, display the new appearance of new farmers. "In the process of long-term live constantly strengthen the trust of the buyers and sellers and buyers can rest assured to buy your products. From apple blossom and bear fruit to mature and netizens are real, and we established a relationship with each other, in the long run, your brand will be consumer recognition, later will not...

标签: 苹果 直播