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春水堂情诗酒店入住率超80% 发力线上线下融合

Chunshuitang hotel occupancy rate of over 80% poems to force the integration of online and offline

2017-11-24 20:37:36来源: DoNews

DoNews11月22日消息(记者 翟继茹)近日,春水堂CEO蔺德刚透露继旗下酒店项目“情诗酒店”在杭州正式营业后,目前正在深圳进行选址,计划明年内在全国继续拓展4家酒店。7月中旬由春水堂战略投资的首家情诗酒店在杭州开始运营。该酒店占地9000平方米,投入约1600万余元,5栋别墅内共有33间客房。蔺德刚表示,自酒店开业以来平均客房价格为1000元,入住率为80%,已经超过了中国五星酒店的客房平均单价与入住率。据了解,中国五星酒店平均客房单价为650元,入住率约为56%。作为国内第一批情趣电商和情趣用品品牌,随着线下酒店稳步拓张,春水堂的线下线上战略再度明晰。再攻线下几年前,春水堂就曾试图通过...

DoNews11 Sept. 22 news (reporter Zhai Jiru) recently, spring CEO Lin Degang said after the hotel's project "Love Hotel" in Hangzhou official business, is currently in Shenzhen for next year in the country continue to expand 4 hotels. By mid July the first poem Hotel chunshuitang strategic investment in Hangzhou began operations. The hotel covers an area of 9000 square meters and invested about 1600 million yuan. There are 33 rooms in the 5 villas. Lin De Gang said that since the opening of the hotel, the average room price is 1000 yuan, occupancy rate is 80%, which has exceeded the average price and occupancy rate of the five-star hotel in China. It is understood that the average room price of the five star hotels in China is 650 yuan, and the occupancy rate is about 56%. As the first batch of taste and taste the electricity supplier brand products, with the line under the hotel extension chunshuitang steadily, line line strategy clear again. Zaigong line a few years ago, the hall had tried to...