新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张晋:秋燥来袭 润肺降燥饮“五宝”

张晋:秋燥来袭 润肺降燥饮“五宝”

Zhang: autumn dry incoming runfei dry drink "five treasure"

2016-09-09 22:41:06来源: 环球网

【环球网报道 记者 闫晗】盼了许久终于把秋高气爽的日子盼来了,但是还没过几天舒坦日子疾病就找上门了! 口干舌燥、嗓子干痒、频频干咳、鼻子干燥、便秘长痘、皮肤又干又痒……这些症状说不上是什么大病,...

Looking forward to for a long time the web reporter 闫晗 】 【 finally gained access to the crisp fall day, but haven't had an easy day for a few days disease seek! Dry mouth, throat dry, itchy, dry cough, dry nose frequently, constipation and acne, skin dry and itchy... These symptoms can't say is what a serious illness,...