新关注 > 信息聚合 > “李保国扶贫志愿服务队”帮扶张北县


"Li poverty alleviation volunteer service" support zhangbei county

2016-07-27 17:26:30来源: 河北新闻网

近日,河北农业大学“李保国扶贫志愿服务队”农学院分队到达张北县黑山堡村,以“深入乡土乡村 助力精准扶贫”为主题,开展为期一周的实践活动。 张北县是国家级贫困县,志愿服务小分队根据前期贫困户建档情...

Recently, hebei agricultural university agronomy courtyard "li poverty alleviation volunteer service" team arrived in zhangbei county village in Montenegro, with "deep native country Power precision for poverty alleviation "as the theme, carry out a week of practice activities. Zhangbei county is the state-level counties, volunteer service teams according to the previous poor by inputting mood...