新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勇士再创历史挺进总决赛 神奇逆转源于强大内心

勇士再创历史挺进总决赛 神奇逆转源于强大内心

The warrior's history is advanced. The magic reversal comes from the strong heart.

2016-06-01 07:40:34来源: 华体网

当一支球队在西决的赛场上1-3落后,那么,他们的赛季征程就已彻底走到了尽头。如此命题,在今年之前,都是绝对成立的。 但对不起,本赛季的西决,历史,却被勇士改写了。 回到这轮系列赛的G6,当时...

When a team is 3-1 down in the Western Conference finals, their season is over. Such a proposition was established before this year. But I'm sorry, but the history of West Germany this season has been rewritten by warriors. Back to the G6 of this series, then...