新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传销团伙借网游发展下线 涉案金额高达数百万元

传销团伙借网游发展下线 涉案金额高达数百万元

MLM gang by online games development off the assembly line involving up to no game millions of dollars

2015-07-21 20:05:14来源: 新浪

游戏理财公司里没有游戏,进去都要交钱,还许诺会有高额回报,怎么回事?昨日,记者从重庆巫溪警方获悉,该县公安局历时7个月,跨7个省市、行程上万公里,破获一起在无实际交易情况下,采取缴纳入会费、拉人头、许诺高额红利等形式邀请数百人加入游戏理财公司的网络传销案,抓获犯罪嫌疑人12名。 网上...

game financial company, inside have to pay, also promised high returns, how to return a responsibility? Yesterday, the reporter from the Chongqing Wuxi police was informed that the County Public Security Bureau lasted seven months, cross 7 provinces and cities, travel thousands of kilometers, uncovered in without the real deal, take pay membership fees, pull the head, promised bonuses and other form to invite hundreds of people join the game management company network marketing case, arrested 12 suspects. On line...

标签: 网游