新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经验:APP用户获取应该避免的7个误区


Experience: app users obtain exploration should avoid the seven errors

2015-09-01 18:19:38来源: 07073游戏网

手机应用的探索不是一件容易的事情。想要在分别拥有超过1500000个应用的苹果App Store和Google Play商店脱颖而出是需要一些技巧的。为了获得成功,大多数游戏开发商都需要在付费用户的获取中投入一定的市场开销。下面将会列举移动用户获取方案的“七宗罪”以及如何尽量避免以下这些...

mobile phone application is not an easy thing. Want to have more than 1500000 applications of the apple Store Google and Play App store is a need for some skills. In order to achieve success, most game developers are required to pay a certain cost in the acquisition of the user's access. The following will list the "seven sins" of the mobile users access scheme and how to avoid the following...

标签: APP