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Final fantasy! The 7 "Final Fantasy" landed on Switch.

2018-09-14 07:04:59来源: 游戏时光

是的,7款「最终幻想」登陆 Switch。他们是——《最终幻想15 口袋版 HD》,9月14日发布下载,在9月20日前下载还有优惠。《最终幻想世界 MAXIMA》,2018年11月6日发售。《最终幻想 水晶编年史 高清重制版》,2019年发售,这个消息之前已经公布,今天直面会再公布一下。《最终幻想12 黄道纪元》,2019年发售。《最终幻想7》、《最终幻想9》、《最终幻想10 高清重制版》、《最终幻想10-2 高清重制版》,2019年发售。或许,将来在 Switch 上重温整个《最终幻想》系列,也不是没可能吧。(FF11 可能性不大……)什么时候把6代、8代复刻或者重制一下呢?

Yes, the 7 "Final Fantasy" landed on Switch. They're Ultimate Fantasy 15 Pocket HD, which was released on September 14 and is available for download before September 20. The final fantasy world MAXIMA is on sale in November 6, 2018. "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle HD Re-edition" was released in 2019, which was announced before, and will be released again today. Final fantasy 12 ecliptic era, 2019. Ultimate Fantasy 7, Ultimate Fantasy 9, Ultimate Fantasy 10 HD Reproduction, Ultimate Fantasy 10-2 HD Reproduction, will be available in 2019. Perhaps it is not impossible to review the whole final fantasy series on Switch. (FF11 unlikely.) When will the 6 or 8 generation be repeated or remade?

标签: Switch 最终幻想