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龙珠直播阳光公益落地上海 人气主播大学校园掀读书热潮

Dragon live the sunshine reading public sentiment the host university campus lift landing Shanghai boom

2018-05-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月25日,上海大学校园里人山人海,由龙珠直播独家直播参与的“你的每一本书,都是公益力量的不可分之一”活动在此展开。作为龙珠直播启动的“Book分之一爱心公益读书计划”的一部分,此次公益读书活动由龙珠直播人气主播小甜饼倾情加盟,在大学校园跟学生们一起读书,推动公益捐书赠书活动,传递了满满正能量。 小甜饼化身“读书使者” 现场与学生互动欢乐满满 活动当天,提前了解公益读书计划的学生们早早来到现场,在工作人员的组织安排下通过网上捐书和图书漂流的形式,为贫困山区渴望读书而没有书籍的孩子送去自己的帮助。而人气主播小甜饼的现身瞬间被众人围观,她自发的向学生们介绍活动内容,在捐出更多课本的同时,...

April 25, the Shanghai people mountain people sea in the university campus, the dragon exclusive broadcast live in "every book, you are one of the inseparable of public power" activities in this. As one of the "Book of dragon live start their reading plan" part of the public reading activity by dragon live emotional joining sentiment anchor cookies and reading in the campus together with the students, promote the activities of public books to donate books, passed are full of energy. Cookies incarnate angel "reading" the scene with students interactive joy full of activity on the same day, know ahead of time the students of public reading plan early came to the scene, under the staff arranged by donating books online and the form of bookcrossing, no books for the poor mountainous areas is eager to read the child sent to his help. And popularity of anchor cookies in an instant was all, she spontaneously to introduce students to active content, at the same time of donate more textbooks,...

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