新关注 > 信息聚合 > 戈尔享受助教角色:所有队员夏训都非常努力


Enjoy the assistant role of Gore: all the players in the summer are very hard

2015-09-01 22:57:24来源: 中国新闻网


South Korea basketball challenge is Al Gore for the first time at the city stadium Hongyuan assistant identity appeared in front of the Dongguan fans, this is Al Gore in Dongguan in the seventh year, although the identity from the boss of the Dongguan new century into the Guangdong Hongyuan TA, but the old man still enjoy the role, before every game he would stand under the basket for the players to pick up the ball to warm-up, after every match he and coach Du Feng in the locker room door to discuss problems exist in the game. Of course,...