新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《漫威蜘蛛侠》发售,奎爷和亚萝伊也来庆祝了


The diffuse wei spider-man, kratos ye and and she also came to celebrate

2018-09-08 15:42:48来源: 游戏时光

PS4 独占游戏《漫威蜘蛛侠》已经于昨日正式发售,在这样一个大日子,身为游戏开发商的 Insomniac Games 自然要庆祝一番,工作室在推特上晒出了全体工作人员的合影,每个人脸上都洋溢着笑容:与此同时,几家第一方工作室也纷纷加入了庆贺,《战神》开发商圣莫妮卡工作室放出了一张蜘蛛侠与奎托斯父子相遇的贺图,即便奎爷是神,看到现代的科技产品——手机,也难免露出好奇的表情:除了奎爷,似乎都是话痨紧接着圣莫妮卡工作室,《地平线 零之曙光》开发商 Guerrilla 也发布了一张贺图,相比《战神》发售时Guerrilla 送上的贺图,这一次的同屏人数更多了:不知道什么时候能把这张图填满&n...

PS4 monopoly game "diffuse wei spider-man has been on sale yesterday formally, in such a big day, as a game developer & have spent Insomniac Games to celebrate nature, studio on twitter drying out the photo of the staff, everyone with a smile on his face, at the same time, several studios have also joined the celebration of the first party, Santa monica studio "ares" developers released a spider-man kratos and his son meet, figure, even if is a god, kratos ye see the modern science and technology products, mobile phones, also hard to avoid a curious expression: in addition to kratos, seem to be safe and then Santa monica studio, "dawn of the horizon zero" Guerrilla developers also posted a royal figure, compared with "the god of war" at launch Guerrilla to congratulate to figure, this time with more number of screen: don't know when will it be to fill up this picture & n...