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Shaolin monk was invited to be the legend of the Condor

2015-03-26 12:29:41来源: 多玩游戏

作为3D大型武侠游戏的扛鼎之作,射雕不仅在场景角色方面精雕细琢,更是在游戏角色的技能呈现方面煞费苦心。 【全新动捕技术,真实还原武侠】 游戏采用全新物理引擎,结合真人动作捕捉技术,为此特别邀请了少林高僧恒青大师担任射雕项目的武术指导,对游戏里的各种武术动作做详细的分析和指点。并以...

as large 3D martial arts expert not only in the game, shooting the scene role design, more is in the game character's skills presentation in terms of rack one's brains. [new motion capture technology, to restore the real martial arts] game using the new physics engine, combined with the reality of motion capture technology, therefore invited the Shaolin master as the legend of the Condor project constant green martial arts guide, do the analysis and advice on a variety of martial arts action game with the. And with the...