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斗鱼D-one手游联赛热血开战 赛程过半激烈程度爆表

Fight fish D-one hand Travel League competition hot war, more than half of the intensity of the competition

2018-07-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

对很多喜欢手游的朋友来说,今年夏天充满惊喜。斗鱼打造的囊括了当下10款热门手游的D-one手游联赛2018,吸引了众多高手参与,精彩的对抗,让手游爱好者们大呼过瘾。现在QQ飞车、火影忍者、FIFA足球、皇室战争等比赛赛程已过半,四强和八强选手已经确认,接下来的比赛每一场都将是强强对决,激烈程度爆表。 就在7月26日,QQ飞车道具赛16进8的比赛已经圆满结束,其中有两位选手因不能按时开播弃赛,甚是遗憾。而剩余的14人按时完成了比赛,渝万丶月岁、傻傻傻傻傻坤、渝万、书尘、YouLe1、我是你的喔喔呀、今晚要碰瓷丶、抹茶啊丶、大倩倩丶这八位主播凭借自身超强实力成功晋级8强,但接下来的竞争会越...

For many friends who like to travel by hand, this summer is full of surprises. The Pitfish Tour includes the current 10 popular D-one Tour Tour Tour League 2018, attracting a large number of experts to participate in, wonderful confrontation, let the hand-travel enthusiasts shout addiction. Now QQ, Naruto, FIFA football, Royal War and other competitions have been more than half the schedule, the top four and eight players have confirmed that the next game will be a strong match, the intensity of the table. On July 26, the QQ Raceway Match 16-8 was successfully concluded, and two of the competitors abandoned the race because they couldn't start on time. And the remaining 14 people completed the game on time, Yuwan, Yuwan, Yuwan, Shushi, YouLe1, I'm your oh oh, tonight to touch porcelain, smear tea, Daqianqian, these eight anchors with their own super strength successfully promoted to the top eight, but the next competition will be more and more.

标签: 手游