新关注 > 信息聚合 > 19年1月热门手游Top10:《堡垒之夜》全面失踪,日本国民手游再次卫冕


January 19 years popular mobile game top 10: "fortress nights" missing in an all-round way, the Japanese mobile game title again

2019-02-22 17:22:45来源: 游戏茶馆

近日,Sensor Tower发布了2019年1月全球手机游戏营收以及下载排行。日本国民手游《怪物弹珠》再次卫冕营收榜第一,而去年12月上线的《荒野乱斗》则首次挤进营收榜前十,《堡垒之夜》移动版遭遇滑铁卢。2019年1月仅《荒野乱斗》一款新游戏挤进营收榜前十,这款游戏是Supercell时隔两年推出的全新作品。在上线的前20天,《荒野乱斗》收入便突破了4600万美元。《荒野乱斗》在1月全球手游营收

Recently, the Sensor Tower issued in January 2019, the global mobile phone game revenue and download ranking. The Japanese mobile game "monster marbles" defending revenue list first, again in December last year launched the wilderness scuffle is packed into revenue for the first time in the top ten, "fort nights" mobile version's setback. In January 2019, only the wilderness turbulence. A new game to squeeze into the top ten sales, this game is a Supercell after two years to launch a new work. 20 days before the launch, the wilderness scuffle broke the $46 million revenue. "The wilderness scuffle" global mobile game sales in January

标签: 手游