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张朝阳:搜狗不仅是搜索 更是智能的体现

Zhang Zhaoyang: not only is Sogou search more represents intelligence

2014-11-20 11:02:49来源: IB资讯

11月20日消息,在今天的世界互联网大会的中外互联网领袖高峰对话上,搜狐董事局主席兼CEO张朝阳表示,作为搜索的挑战者,搜狗的商业模式非常好,因为搜索的用户意图非常清楚,所以货币化比较容易。 张朝阳同时表示,其把搜狗看成是一个“从输入到提供云端计算和提供智能的更看重智能的东西。”张朝...

11 month 20 days of messages, in today's world the Internet congress foreign Internet cacique peak dialogue, Sohu chairman of the board and CEO Zhang Zhaoyang said, as the search challenger, commercial mode Sogou is very good, because the search user intention is very clear, so monetary easier. Zhang Zhaoyang expresses at the same time, the search dog as a "from the input to provide cloud computing and provides the intelligent thought more of something intelligent." Zhang chao...