新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗黑风三国主题ARPG《灵魂》更新 多人公会战上线

暗黑风三国主题ARPG《灵魂》更新 多人公会战上线

Dark wind Three Kingdoms Theme ARPG "soul" update more than the public battle line

2015-03-23 11:01:16来源: 任玩堂

《灵魂》是一款由 NHN 出品的暗黑风三国主题 ARPG 手游,与我们熟悉的三国题材作品不同,在本作中玩家并不扮演任何一个名将或主公,而是要和那些强力角色进行正面对抗。赵云、关于、吕布等等这些超 S 级的猛将在游戏中化身大 BOSS,等待玩家前去挑战。 游戏近日进行了版本更新,玩家们期...

"soul" is a NHN produced by ARPG Mobile Games Diablo wind three themes, different from our familiar theme works, for game player does not play any one star or the main character in the book, but to the front confrontation and those powerful roles. Zhao Yun, Lv Bu and so on, about these super S grade fervent in the game avatar big BOSS, waiting for game player to challenge. The game was recently updated version, game player who period...