新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重度ARPG手游《掠夺:钢铁帝王》更新 先期开放新..

重度ARPG手游《掠夺:钢铁帝王》更新 先期开放新..

Severe ARPG Mobile Games "predatory" update: steel king early opening of new..

2015-04-22 15:44:22来源: 任玩堂

由netmarble 出品的《掠夺:钢铁帝王》是一款崇尚重度打击感的 ARPG 手游,自今年年初上线以来一直处于韩国双榜前列,人气十分可观。 近日官方进行了游戏更新,加入以海岸风景为主题的新冒险区域。新区域的玩法是“限时夺金币”,即在规定的时间内根据玩家所击杀的敌人数量来奖励经验值和金...

netmarble produced by the "emperor" plunder: Iron and steel is a severe blow to advocate the sense of ARPG Mobile Games, South Korea has been in the forefront of double since the beginning of this year on the line, can be very popular. Recently, the official game update, adding a new adventure zone in coastal scenery as the theme. The new play is "limited regional wins gold", namely, within the prescribed period of time according to the number of the enemy to kill the game player bonus experience points and gold...

标签: 手游